Recent News
2017 October Message from our Co-Presidents Val & Chris
Sep 20, 2017
Summer is over and my favorite season autumn is here with our first Club event-- an absolutely fabulous brunch hosted by Sharon Armstrong! This event differed from our past afternoon receptions and a resounding success! Please join me in a huge “thank you” to Sharon for hosting the brunch and to her staff for their support of the Cal Poly Women’s Club membership and guests! If you attended, you know what a privilege it is to enjoy visiting the President’s campus home and how much we all look forward to this event.
At this year’s brunch, we had a wonderful response to our planned events, as well as our ongoing ASI Children’s Center scholarship fund. Thank you to all who donated including Sharon Armstrong, who asked that our Club “thank you” gift be donated to the ASI award. Additionally, we are working with the Financial Aid Office to award two $1000 scholarships. More on the recipients once they have been notified. Last year’s fundraiser at the the Holiday Party Silent Auction and SLO Little Theater boosted our scholarship fund allowing us to increase the award amount. This year, we will again include a silent auction at our Holiday Party (7 December 2017) and a new fundraising event in February 2018 “Dinner (at the California Pizza Kitchen) and a Movie.” We’ll publish the details in a future newsletter and on our website: .
Check out the newest member interest section: Home and Garden (Patrice Iqbal and Blanca Kesner, Chairs), which will include local garden tours. The Professional Women’s Section is trying new ideas. If you have an idea for a meeting, contact Tracy or any Board member. The Occasional Walk Group will tour the Pismo Preserve on Sunday 29 October 2017. A free shuttle service from the Pismo Beach City Gall (760 Mattie Rd., PB) will take us to the trailhead. Details for all this month’s meetings are listed in this newsletter. If you have questions, please contact the Section Chair, Tracy!
Hope to see you at one of our get togethers soon! Also check out our Directory for scheduled events and join us!
Happy Autumn -- Your Co-Presidents,
Val Barboza and Chris Hoover
2017 September Newsletter
Aug 29, 2017
Welcome back to a new academic year with new opportunities to connect with colleagues and friends! Beginning with Fall events and activities (AKA Fall conference), Club members are invited to a Brunch hosted by Sharon Armstrong on Saturday, September
23, 2017 (10 AM-noon) at the President’s campus residence. Event details will be
published in the Cal Poly Report and on our Club website . We hope to see you there!
Your Club officers have scheduled several new events throughout the 2017-18 year including a Dinner and a Movie “date” night tentatively scheduled in February 2018. We have also invited Bay Area Life Coach and author Sasha Mobley to facilitate a workshop in early 2018 for members ( Mark your calendars now for our Holiday Party and Silent Auction scheduled for December 7, 2017 and the May Luncheon for May 5, 2018; both events will be at the SLO Country Club. Our April General
Meeting and Election will be held at Woods Humane Society on April 7, 2018 and includes a facility tour by CPWC Past President Joy Miller. We hope to see you at all of these events!
But there’s more! For section news, Patrice Iqbal would like to start a Home and Garden section that will include garden tours! Additionally, the Walk/ hike group will have a tour of the Pismo Preserve, as soon as we can schedule a date October or November. In
other words, stay tuned! Our Club Directory (available at the Brunch to paid members)
2019 April 5 @ 5:30pm Fundraiser: DINNER & A MEETING
Aug 29, 2017
Please join us in our fundraising efforts on April 5th - Dinner fundraiser & General Election meeting.
California Pizza Kitchen will be donating a portion of all dinner receipts to the Women's Club with a coupon that we are happy to provide- please ask any Board Member.
Thank you so much for your interest and participation-we welcome you!
Newsletter May & June 2017
May 5, 2017
❏ RSVP’d for May 20th luncheon at the SLO Country Club by May 3rd to Pat Iqbal.
❏ Invited a Cal Poly friend to join me at the luncheon.
❏ This year’s theme will feature past Club presidents as part of our honoring the
Club’s history.
❏ Rosa’s Boutique will also host a fashion show.
❏ Send in 2017-18 membership to Treasurer Elaine Ramos Doyle or bring to luncheon.
❏ Review revised By-laws at:
❏ Thank Tracy Kinderknecht, our outgoing Secretary and web guru; Mei-Ling Liu, our outgoing Section Coordinator and Mitra Nafisi, our outgoing 2nd VP.
❏ June 24th - Social/Picnic at Cheng Park on Marsh St. @ Santa Rosa- Mark my calendar
❏ Club will have snack and drinks.
❏ Vote on By-laws and 2017-18 Budget
It’s been a whirlwind year for us as your Co-presidents, and we want to thank you all for your cooperation! This year we’re all very proud that a new endowed scholarship in honor of Marie Van Asperen will benefit future teachers in the Liberal Studies major and/or credential students. The first award will be made next year.
Additionally, our two fundraisers, the Silent Auction at the Holiday party and SLO Little Theater performance of The Nerd, brought in collectively almost $2,300 for our ongoing scholarships. We’ve also awarded a $500 grant to student parent Lisa Lemos Jensen to help her with childcare expenses at the ASI Children’s Center.
And we’ve revised and updated the By-laws that will be voted on by membership at the June
24th picnic social.
Best of all, we are still friends! Hope to see you soon!
Chris Hoover and Val Barboza
CPWC Co-Presidents 2016-17
New Officers for the Boards of 2017 – 2018
Congratulations to our newly elected Board members! Thank you to these dedicated
members who are willing to serve the Club.
Board of Directors Off-Board Directors
Co-President |
Chris Hoover/Valerie Barboza |
Nominating Committee: |
1st VP |
Sheila Pouraghabagher |
Alice Loh |
2nd VP Secretary Treasurer |
Pat Cano Pat Iqbal Elaine Ramos Doyle |
Natalie White |
Section Coordinator Tracy Kinderknecht
Members-at-Large Cari Moore Erika Callero Lois Butler
News and Announcements
The May Luncheon/Fashion Show (Learn-by-Doing) and the Installation of New
Officers will be held May 20th at the SLO Country Club. Club members will model fashions from Rosa’s Boutique in Pismo Beach. There is still time to send in your reservations ($25/person)! Send reservations to Pat Iqbal, 6080 Lewis Lane, San Luis Obispo 93401 by May 3rd. Make your check out to CPWC. We hope to see you all there!
New Retirees
Please send the names of members or their spouses/partners who will be retiring this
year to Linda Soenen .These new retirees will be honored at the
May Luncheon.
In Memoriam
The CPWC was saddened to learn of the passing of our member, Arlene Chandler. Arlene passed away on April 4, 2017 at the age of 94. A memorial service was held April 29th.
Imelda Gentile passed away on March 4, 2017 at the age of 91. A memorial service will be held May 13th at 1 pm at the Los Osos Valley Memorial Park on Los Osos Valley Rd. A reception will follow at 3 pm at the SLO Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St. Donations may be made to the CPWC Scholarship.
Election Meeting Minutes: Ice Cream Social April 29, 2017
May 4, 2017
AGENDA AND MINUTES- Val Barboza, substitute Secretary
WELCOME: Chris Hoover
Judy Connely & Chris Hoover
Slate for 2017-2018 Board
Co- Presidents: Chris Hoover and Val Barboza
1st VP - Sheila Pouraghabagher
2nd VP - Pat Cano
Secretary - Pat Iqbal
Treasurer- Elaine Ramos Doyle
Section Coordinator- Tracy Kinderknecht
Off-Board Directors -Nominating Committee:
Alice Loh
Margarite Gowgani
Lois Butler
Nominations for Members-at-Large:
Taken from the floor
Open forum -- what’s on your calendar for summer?
CLOSING: Val Barboza
Many thanks to Committee members Judy Connely, Jan Regan, Jean Dettloff, Erika Callero and Chris Hoover for organizing and hosting this event. Pat Iqbal supplied the lovely flowers from her garden!
Also many thanks to California Fresh, Rite Aid, Starbucks for their donation of items for the Social! David Rau of the United Methodist Church assisted with the set-up and logistical strategies for our meeting--much appreciation to David as well!
Remember to thank our community partners for their support of our Club when you patronize their businesses!
Attendees: Jean Dettloff, Judy Connely, Jan Regan, Erika Callero, Chris Hoover, Elaine Ramos Doyle, Sheila Pouraghabagher, Barbara Wilkins, Natalie White, Patrice Iqbal, Blanca Kesner, Kathy Golden, Mei-Ling Liu, Margarite Gowgani, Val Barboza (recording secretary)
Chris Hoover called the meeting to order at 1;20 PM and welcomed all attendees. Chris then called on Judy Connely to give the report of the Nominations Committee. Judy Connely presented the slate of officers from the Nominating Committee for 2017-2018. It was moved, seconded and passed to accept the slate as presented.
Three members-at-large were elected from the floor as follows: Cari Moore, Erika Callero and Linda Soenen. They were nominated by Jan Regan, Patrice Iqbal and Jean Dettloff respectively, then individually seconded and passed. Three members of the nominating committee will continue to serve next year. They are Alice Loh, Lois Butler,and Margarite Gowgani. Two members were elected from the floor: Natalie White and Judy Connely.They were nominated by Patrice Iqbal and Elaine Ramos Doye respectively.Nomnations were then seconded and passed.
Chris Hoover closed the Election portion of the meeting by thanking the nominees, the Nominations’ Committee for the new Board and the attendees for participating in the Election.
The social portion of the meeting then proceeded with an ice cream social. Mei-Ling Liu volunteered to send a letter of thanks to our community business partners for their generous donations. Val will send individual Club thank-you notes. Val also reminded attendees that the amended By-laws are on our Club website. She is also working on a document that itemizes the changes and will post those to the website mid-May. The Club vote will take place at the June picnic social at Cheng Park on June 24, 2017.
Meeting adjourned at 3PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Val Barboza
Agenda: Ice Cream Social April 29, 2017
Apr 26, 2017
WELCOME: Chris Hoover
Judy Connely
Slate for 2017-2018 Board
Co- Presidents: Chris Hoover and Val Barboza
1st VP - Sheila Pouraghabagher
2nd VP - Pat Cano
Secretary - Pat Iqbal
Treasurer- Elaine Ramos Doyle
Section Coordinator- Tracy Kinderknecht
Off-Board Directors:
Nominating Committee
Alice Loh
Lois Butler
Margarite Gowgani
Mitra Nafisi will answer questions about her trip to Iran.
Many thanks to Committee members Judy Connely, Jan Regan, Jean Dettloff, Erika Callero for organizing and hosting this event. Pat Iqbal supplied the lovely flowers from her garden!
Also many thanks to California Fresh, Rite Aid, Starbucks for their donation of items for the Social!
Newsletter March 2017
Mar 30, 2017
March 30 Fundraiser:
The Nerd by Larry Shue
One of the funniest plays ever written, this extraordinarily inventive, side- splitting comedy centers on the hilarious dilemma of a young architect who is
visited by a man he’s never met, but who saved his life in Vietnam. This strange visitor turns out to be an incredibly inept, hopelessly stupid “nerd” who outstays his welcome with a vengeance.
Do you have your tickets?
Contact a Board member to reserve your tickets for will call at the SLO Little Theater the evening of the performance. Mitra, Sheila, Alice, Chris, Tracy, Elaine and Val have tickets! ,,, , , ,
The doors open at 5:30 PM and the performance begins at 7 PM. The Cal Poly Women’s Club thanks the SLO Little Theater ( ) for their support of the dress rehearsal performance ticket sales. Hope to see you there!
Details about this award-winning Larry Shue play may also be available on our new and improved website: which is still a work-in-progress. Check it out! Thank you Tracy!
April 22- The Election with Ice Cream Social and general meeting
May 20- The May Luncheon at the SLO Country Club
June 24-June Picnic Social at Cheng Park that was designed by our own Alice
Chris Hoover & Val Barboza,
CPWC Co-Presidents 2016-17
News and Announcements
1. General Meeting & Election Reminder
The next General Meeting & Election of Officers will be from 1 to 3 pm on
Saturday, April 22nd at the United Methodist Church (1515 Fredericks St.,
San Luis Obispo). Erika Callero, Virginia Walter, Jan Regan, and Val Barboza will be assisting the Committee Co-Chairs – Judy Connely and Jean Dettloff.
Please contact Alice Loh if you are interested in serving as an officer for the Club or wish to nominate another member. Alice and her committee may be calling you to serve! Nominees will be published in the April newsletter.
2. Scholarships
Please forward names of students for recommendation for our 2017-18
scholarships to Joy Miller, Finance Director, or Elaine
Ramos Doyle, Treasurer, . The Financial Aid Office will make the final decisions. More information on the scholarship is in your Directory on page 6.
Newsletter April 2017
Feb 24, 2017
President’s Message
We want to thank everyone who volunteered for our SLO Little Theater scholarship
fundraiser The Nerd and to those who bought and sold tickets, baked cookies and
showed up to help! Elaine will have a recap of ticket sales and refreshments once
everything settles down! Proceeds benefit our scholarship fund! Special thanks to the
SLO Little Theater for supporting the Cal Poly Women’s Club and other local nonprofits
with this program and to Peets Coffee for their generous donation of specialty coffee
for our guests.
Join us for the April 29, 2017 (this is a date change) general meeting
and program from 1-3 PM. This is an especially important meeting, since we have an
election of next year’s board. To sweeten the meeting, the Club is also hosting an ice
cream social with all the trimmings, and our own Vice President Mitra Nafisi will be
speaking on her recent trip to Iran to visit family. This meeting will be held at the
United Methodist Church in the Wesley Building that sits below the main church.
There’s plenty of parking and an elevator! Please join us!
Mark your calendars for the May 20, 2017 May Luncheon at the SLO Country Club. This
year’s program includes recognition of our Club’s past presidents, a fashion show with
apparel from Rosa’s in Pismo Beach and the installation of the 2017-2108 new officers.
Sign up and invite a friend to join you! The May Luncheon reservation form is included in
this newsletter.
Chris Hoover & Val Barboza
CPWC Co-Presidents 2016-17
Slate of Nominations for the Boards of 2017 – 2018
According to the CPWC Bylaws, your Nominating Committee has informally and formally solicited
nominations for next year's Boards. Thanks to our dedicated members, who are willing to serve
as we have a great slate as follows:
Board of Directors Off-Board Directors
Co-Presidents Chris Hoover & Valerie Barboza Nominating Committee:
1st VP Sheila Pouraghabagher Alice Loh
2nd VP Pat Cano Lois Butler
Secretary Pat Iqbal Margarite Gowgani
Treasurer Elaine Ramos Doyle
Section Coordinator Tracy Kinderknecht
Please remember that three Members-at-large and two more members of the Nominating
Committee will be elected from the general meeting which will be held April 29th (date
change). The General Meeting and Ice Cream Social will be held at the United Methodist
Church on Fredericks in SLO from 1-3 p.m.
Submitted by the 2016-2017 Nominating Committee Members:
Alice Loh, Judy Connely, Lois Butler, Carol Leong & Margarite Gowgani
News and Announcements
In Memoriam
The CPWC was saddened to learn of the passing of three members all in their 90’s:
Imelda Gentile, Dorothy Harden and Julie Watson.
Imelda passed away on March 4, 2017 at the age of 91. Imelda provided her many
artistic talents to the Club throughout the years she was involved.
Dorothy passed away on March 5, 2017 at the age of 94. Dorothy was the CPWC
President in 1954. Donations may be made to the Newman Center at Cal Poly.
Julie passed away on March 7, 2017 at the age of 94. Julie was the CPWC President in
1982. A memorial service will be held April 22nd at 2 pm at St. Stephen’s Episcopal
Church in SLO. Donations may be made to the Harold J. Watson Memorial Scholarship
fund at Cal Poly.
A donation in each of these members’ honor was made by the general membership to the
CPWC Scholarship fund.
New Retirees
Please send the names of members or their spouses/partners who will be retiring this
year to Linda Soenen .These new retirees will be honored at the
May Luncheon.
Time to think of next year's membership dues. Your $25 dues for the 2017-2018 year
can be brought to the May Luncheon. Checks made payable to the CPWC. Thanks! You
can also mail your dues to Elaine Ramos Doyle, CPWC Treasurer, 2381 Claranita Ave., Los
Osos 93402.
Please forward names of students for recommendation for our 2017-18 scholarships to
Joy Miller, Finance Director, or Elaine Ramos Doyle, Treasurer, .
“Learn by Doing”
Cal Poly Women’s Club May Luncheon
SLO Country Club Saturday, May 20, 2017
255 Country Club Drive, SLO 11:30 a.m.
Fashion Show by Rosa’s
Lemon Rosemary Chicken Breast Sandwich with
Sundried Tomatoes and Jarlsberg Cheese
On a Ciabatta Roll and Fruit
Butterleaf Salad with Candy Spiced Walnuts,
Dried Cranberries, Butternut Squash, Seasonal Vegetables,
Edamame Beans and Lemon Herb Dressing
Dessert: Cheesecake with Berry Sauce
Hosted Soft Drink and Coffee & Tea Service
Golf transport to Club House available
Please cut along dotted line and remit
Deadline for reservations is May 3rd, 2017. Make checks payable to CPWC. Send
to Patrice Iqbal, 6080 Lewis Lane, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. Check whether
you’d like Chicken or Salad.
_______________________________ Chicken___ Salad___
_______________________________ Chicken___ Salad___
_______________________________ Chicken___ Salad___
_______________________________ Chicken___ Salad___
Enclosed: ______@ $25/ per person $______
Section News for April
Thursday April 6th at 5 pm. Potluck dinner at Tracy Kinderknecht’s home in Santa
Chairperson: Alice Loh 543-9055
Tracy Kinderknecht 756-5803
We are looking for people interested in chairing this section!
Chairperson: Pat Iqbal 547-1993
Julia Andresen 543-8848
Walks on hold until May! Please stay tuned.
Leader: Val Barboza 264-5901
Members will be contacted.
Chairperson: Lois Butler 772-4020
Monday April 10th 11:30 am at the Inn at Morro Bay (60 State Park Rd., Morro Bay).
Chairpersons: Judy Connely 543-5919
Jan Regan 543-2978
Monday April 3rd at 10 am at the home of Natalie White.
Chairperson: Carol Huff 541-1589
Wednesday April 19th at 6:30 pm for Dinner under the Stars at Luna Red, 1023 Chorro
St. in SLO. Members will be contacted by email.
Chairperson: Jennifer Klay
Cell phone: 805-305-0896
This group, if formed, will meet to exchange ideas and information about sustaining an
independent lifestyle as we age, on issues of mobility, health care, living arrangements,
estate planning, resources for seniors, etc. If you are interested in chairing or
participating, please contact Mei-Ling Liu,
Thursday April 27th at 2 pm. Chuck Clarke will talk about Alaska, including dog sled
races. Members will be contacted by Janis. Others interested in attending, please call
Pat Cano 543-6210
Janis Stansfield 543-790
Newsletter January 2017
Feb 8, 2017
As we begin 2017, we send our heartfelt best wishes to all our members and their families for a healthy, happy year filled with good fortune. We are looking forward to
new opportunities for our membership including a new walking section for all members and their families. “City tours” can include walks through the historic sections of SLO or could be a hiking group. You decide! We hope that our book group will resume with a new day and time. If you are interested, contact Pat Iqbal! Are you a Bunco fan? Canasta or other card game? Step up and let’s reignite this section with a card game group. Contact Mei-Ling Liu for more information.
We also hope that you have marked March 30th for our fundraiser production of The
Nerd. The SLO Little Theater has generously given us 100 tickets to sell for the March 30th dress rehearsal to benefit our scholarship fund. Contact any Board member if you can assist us with ticket sales! We also need help with refreshments for intermission.
Our holiday party and silent auction at the SLO Country Club was attended by over 50 guests! Silent auction items included donations of wine, jewelry, quilts and El Corral
merchandise, as well as two tickets to The Nerd. Thank you to all the members-at- large and their committee for donating auction items and for organizing the event’s entertainment! Once Elaine completes the tallies, we’ll know how our scholarship fund increased!
Finally, as we begin 2017, we are tremendously thankful for the continuing generosity of spirit that has grown and sustained our Club as we head toward our centennial! Hope to see you at one of our section get togethers!
Chris Hoover & Val Barboza
CPWC Co-Presidents 2016-2017
News and Announcements
1. In Memoriam
The Cal Poly Women’s Club was saddened to learn of the death of long time member, Dorothy Conner. Dotty passed away on November 20, 2016 at the age of 92. A
Another long-time member, Virginia “Ginger” Wysock also passed away. Ginger was the CPWC’s President in 1980 and 1981. A donation in her honor was made by the general membership to the CPWC Scholarship Fund.
2. Save the date of March 30, 2017 on your calendars for “THE NERD” PERFORMANCE at the Little Theater!
More information will be coming in the February newsletter.
3. Newsletter Availability
The newsletter, “The Flyer”, is available electronically. Please email Elaine Ramos Doyle at if you would prefer to receive your newsletter via email. This will help the club save money and help save the environment! Thank you!
4. New Members
JOHNSTON, Liz 756-1230
1250 Osos Street Social Sciences
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Corrections & Changes:
1727 5th Street
Los Osos, CA 93402
5. CPWC Newsletter Trivia & Tidbits
In the early 40’s, the Club newsletter was called the “Grapevine”. In 1941, Alice McCapes put out a Club newsletter calling it “The Eye of The Needle”. The current Club newsletter “The Flyer” was established in 1964. Robert Reynolds, professor and renowned artist, designed the logo for the newsletter.
Thursday, January 12th at 4:30 pm at the home of Tracy Kinderknecht, 2654 I St. in
Santa Margarita. Pie and coffee/tea will be served.
Alice Loh 543-9055
Tracy Kinderknecht 756-5803
Pat Iqbal and Julia Andresen are not continuing the Book section due to lack of
interest. We sincerely thank CPWC’s support in the past. Please let us know if anyone would like to step in to keep this section going.
Pat Iqbal 547-1993
Julia Andresen 543-8848
CITY TOUR WALK – a NEW section!!
Saturday, January 28th at 9:30 am. Meet in the parking lot at Meadow Park (off South St. & Meadow in SLO) for a two-hour walk. Strollers welcome and open to members and family! Please RSVP to Val by January 21st.
Leader: Val Barboza 264-5901
Members will be contacted.
Chairperson: Lois Butler 772-4020LUNCH BUNCH (formerly “Morning Gourmet”)
Monday, January 9th at 11:30 am at Milestone Tavern, 972 E. Foothill in University
Square, SLO. A 20% discount will be applied to the bill for wearing Cal Poly logo gear as
Mondays are designated “Mustang Monday”! RSVP by January 5th.
Judy Connely 543-591
Jan Regan 543-2978
Monday, January 16th at 10:00 am at the home of Chris Hoover, 1144 Buchon, SLO.
No meeting in January.
Newsletter November/December 2016
Nov 29, 2016
We can’t believe how quickly this year has passed and how much we’ve accomplished as a Club. Here’s a quick review:
1. Our Club has been able to receive funding and support to update our technology and access using a Cal Poly email address and website. Tracy Kinderknecht, our Secretary, is taking classes for use of the website for Club news and updates.
2. The new Cal Poly Women’s Club Van Asperen Scholarship endowment is almost a reality and
will award a student with a teaching objective in about a year.
3. Our interest sections are revamping and looking for new ways to better engage our
members. For example, the Morning Gourmet group is now the Lunch Bunch and will meet for lunch at a local restaurant, member’s home or a surprise location monthly at 11:30AM -
1:30PM. We hope on-campus members will better be able to join us.
4. A new walking group begins Saturday, January 28th for a “city tour.” Families, strollers are welcome! Depending on the group, an optional brown bag lunch or restaurant may follow the walk. Route and time details will be in the January newsletter.
Our Holiday dinner at the San Luis Obispo Country Club is also right around the corner. The RSVP form is in this newsletter with various dinner choices. This year the committee is organizing a silent auction during the social hour with the proceeds benefitting our scholarship fund. If you would like to donate an item for the auction, please contact Cari Moore, Rebecca Heath or Pauline Menon. The evening will also include entertainment!
As the year concludes, we are all thankful for your support and appreciate your continued membership. As members, your feedback and involvement have made the Club stronger and more vital. Both of us look forward to seeing you at one or all of our Club events!
Chris Hoover & Val Barboza
CPWC Co-Presidents 2016-2017
News and Announcements
1. In Memoriam
The Cal Poly Women’s Club was very saddened to learn of the death of long time member, Jane Batterson. Jane passed away on September 26, 2016 at the age of 78. She was the CPWC Treasurer for many years until 2015. A donation in her honor was made by the general membership to the CPWC Scholarship Fund.
2. Newsletter Availability
The newsletter, “The Flyer”, is available electronically. Please email Elaine Ramos Doyle at if you would prefer to receive your newsletter via email. This will save Club resources as well as help the environment!
3. Reminder - Membership Dues
Don’t forget to pay your membership dues! You can send your $25 dues to Treasurer Elaine Ramos Doyle, 2381 Claranita Ave., Los Osos, CA 93402. If dues are not paid by December 1st, you will no longer be listed in the Directory or receive the newsletter. Thank you!
4. Membership Directory Additions and Corrections
New Members:
CENSULLO, Margaret (Albert) 440-3553
1595 Cordova Dr. Chemistry
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
KESNER, Blanca Amaro (Brian) 704-3007
133 Rosita St. Architecture
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
5. 2016-17 Scholarship Recipients My name is Magdalena Arechiga. I am from Ventura and transferred to
Cal Poly Fall 2014. My major is Kinesiology and if all goes as planned I will be graduating on December 17, 2016. Before coming to Cal Poly, I was a para-educator at a school for children with moderate to severe special needs for 14 years. It is there that I was introduced to the many services that are provided to individuals with special needs and became interested in physical therapy. My goal is to become a physical therapist and continue to work with individuals with special needs in hopes of improving their activities of daily living. I don't think I landed in this field by chance, I truly believe that this is where I belong and where I can make a positive impact on people's lives. Here in San Luis Obispo, I work at the Office of the Registrar
and also work with a 7-yr old girl with cerebral palsy. I am so grateful for receiving this scholarship from the Cal Poly Women's Club as this has greatly contributed to the success of my last quarter here at Cal Poly. From the bottom of my heart I thank you.
My name is Kiana Nafisi and
I am a Business Administration major with a double concentration in Accounting and Information Systems. I am a Senior and will be graduating in Spring 2017. After graduation, I will be starting my career in consulting where I will learn the ins and outs of businesses and how to run one efficiently. I hope to use these skills to create my own business in the future.
Elsa Ruiz is a second year CPWC scholarship recipient. Elsa’s major is Kinesiology. This is the
note we received from Elsa: “I just wanted to express my appreciation and say thank you for rewarding me with the scholarship for this upcoming school year. It means so much to me to know that individuals such as yourselves appreciate and understand how much work and dedication I put into my schooling. This generous scholarship will enable me to purchase my textbooks for the entire year and for that I want to say thank you. My education is a major priority in my life and I immensely appreciate you supporting me in my efforts to continually
We can’t believe how quickly this year has passed and how much we’ve accomplished as a Club. Here’s a quick review:
1. Our Club has been able to receive funding and support to update our technology and access using a Cal Poly email address and website. Tracy Kinderknecht, our Secretary, is taking classes for use of the website for Club news and updates.
2. The new Cal Poly Women’s Club Van Asperen Scholarship endowment is almost a reality and
will award a student with a teaching objective in about a year.
3. Our interest sections are revamping and looking for new ways to better engage our
members. For example, the Morning Gourmet group is now the Lunch Bunch and will meet for lunch at a local restaurant, member’s home or a surprise location monthly at 11:30AM -
1:30PM. We hope on-campus members will better be able to join us.
4. A new walking group begins Saturday, January 28th for a “city tour.” Families, strollers are welcome! Depending on the group, an optional brown bag lunch or restaurant may follow the walk. Route and time details will be in the January newsletter.
Our Holiday dinner at the San Luis Obispo Country Club is also right around the corner. The RSVP form is in this newsletter with various dinner choices. This year the committee is organizing a silent auction during the social hour with the proceeds benefitting our scholarship fund. If you would like to donate an item for the auction, please contact Cari Moore, Rebecca Heath or Pauline Menon. The evening will also include entertainment!
As the year concludes, we are all thankful for your support and appreciate your continued membership. As members, your feedback and involvement have made the Club stronger and more vital. Both of us look forward to seeing you at one or all of our Club events!
Chris Hoover & Val Barboza
CPWC Co-Presidents 2016-2017
News and Announcements
1. In Memoriam
The Cal Poly Women’s Club was very saddened to learn of the death of long time member, Jane Batterson. Jane passed away on September 26, 2016 at the age of 78. She was the CPWC Treasurer for many years until 2015. A donation in her honor was made by the general membership to the CPWC Scholarship Fund.
2. Newsletter Availability
The newsletter, “The Flyer”, is available electronically. Please email Elaine Ramos Doyle at if you would prefer to receive your newsletter via email. This will save Club resources as well as help the environment!
3. Reminder - Membership Dues
Don’t forget to pay your membership dues! You can send your $25 dues to Treasurer Elaine Ramos Doyle, 2381 Claranita Ave., Los Osos, CA 93402. If dues are not paid by December 1st, you will no longer be listed in the Directory or receive the newsletter. Thank you!
4. Membership Directory Additions and Corrections
New Members:
CENSULLO, Margaret (Albert) 440-3553
1595 Cordova Dr. Chemistry
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
KESNER, Blanca Amaro (Brian) 704-3007
133 Rosita St. Architecture
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
5. 2016-17 Scholarship Recipients My name is Magdalena Arechiga. I am from Ventura and transferred to