2017 September Newsletter
Welcome back to a new academic year with new opportunities to connect with colleagues and friends! Beginning with Fall events and activities (AKA Fall conference), Club members are invited to a Brunch hosted by Sharon Armstrong on Saturday, September
23, 2017 (10 AM-noon) at the President’s campus residence. Event details will be
published in the Cal Poly Report and on our Club website www.womensclub.calpoly.edu . We hope to see you there!
Your Club officers have scheduled several new events throughout the 2017-18 year including a Dinner and a Movie “date” night tentatively scheduled in February 2018. We have also invited Bay Area Life Coach and author Sasha Mobley to facilitate a workshop in early 2018 for members (http://sashamobley.com). Mark your calendars now for our Holiday Party and Silent Auction scheduled for December 7, 2017 and the May Luncheon for May 5, 2018; both events will be at the SLO Country Club. Our April General
Meeting and Election will be held at Woods Humane Society on April 7, 2018 and includes a facility tour by CPWC Past President Joy Miller. We hope to see you at all of these events!
But there’s more! For section news, Patrice Iqbal would like to start a Home and Garden section that will include garden tours! Additionally, the Walk/ hike group will have a tour of the Pismo Preserve, as soon as we can schedule a date October or November. In
other words, stay tuned! Our Club Directory (available at the Brunch to paid members)
will list all our planned activities. If you find an event or activity that you would like to join as a volunteer, let any Board member know! We will also have information at the Fall Brunch.
Lastly, our Club has awarded two $1,000 general scholarships. The Board will also discuss a special first year $1,000 Van Asperen scholarship for a credential student using existing funds at the next meeting in early October. Once our newly established endowment has built up a reserve, this scholarship will be awarded yearly to a Liberal Studies or Credential student. Our Club will also continue to award a scholarship to help offset childcare expenses at the ASI Children’s Center. We will have more information about the students receiving these awards later this quarter!
Chris Hoover and Valerie Barboza
CPWC Co-Presidents 2017-2018
News and Announcements
1. In Memoriam
Our most sincere sympathies are being sent to long time member Janis Stansfield and her family on the death of her husband Bill. Bill passed away in August 2017 at the age
of 87. Bill was a retired member of the Biological Sciences Department.
Sept. 23, 2017 -The Fall Reception will be held at President and Mrs.
- residence on campus from 10am – 12 pm. As in previous years, we are accepting donations at the reception for the ASI Children’s Center Scholarship. Bring your generosity!
Dec. 7, 2017 – The Holiday Party will be held at the SLO Country Club beginning with a
Social Hour at 6pm. There will be more information in upcoming newsletters.
February 2018 – Our academic scholarship fundraiser will be held at the California
Pizza Kitchen. Stay tuned for more information in upcoming newsletters.
April 7, 2018 – The General Meeting, Election of Officers will be held at Woods Humane Society from 10 am-12pm. There will be more information in upcoming newsletters.
May 5, 2018 – The May Luncheon and Installation of Officers will be held at the SLO Country Club from 11:30 am–2pm. Stay tuned for more info.
June 2, 2018 – The June Coffee/Social will be held at a member’s home in SLO from
11am – 1 pm. There will be more information in upcoming newsletters.
3. Newsletter Availability
Our newsletter, “The Flyer”, is available electronically. Please email Elaine Ramos Doyle at emrdmom@yahoo.com if you would prefer to receive your newsletter via email. This will save the Club money as well as helping to save the environment!
4. Reminder - Membership Dues
Don’t forget to pay your membership dues! If you forget to pay at the Fall Reception, you can send your $25 dues to Treasurer Elaine Ramos Doyle, 2381 Claranita Ave., Los Osos, CA 93402
5. ScholarshipsThe Orfalea Family and ASI Children’s Center scholarship of $500 was awarded to Lisa
Lemos Jensen. Lisa is an Education student/parent. Co-Presidents Val Barboza and
Chris Hoover and ASI Children’s Center Director Tonya Iversen presented the check to her in May.