Election Meeting Minutes: Ice Cream Social April 29, 2017


AGENDA AND MINUTES- Val Barboza, substitute Secretary

WELCOME: Chris Hoover




Judy Connely & Chris Hoover

Slate for 2017-2018 Board

Co- Presidents: Chris Hoover and Val Barboza

1st VP - Sheila Pouraghabagher

2nd VP - Pat Cano

Secretary - Pat Iqbal

Treasurer- Elaine Ramos Doyle

Section Coordinator- Tracy Kinderknecht


Off-Board Directors -Nominating Committee:

Alice Loh

Margarite Gowgani

Lois Butler


Nominations for Members-at-Large:

Taken from the floor



Open forum -- what’s on your calendar for summer?


CLOSING: Val Barboza


Many thanks to Committee members Judy Connely, Jan Regan, Jean Dettloff, Erika Callero and Chris Hoover for organizing and hosting this event. Pat Iqbal supplied the lovely flowers from her garden!

Also many thanks to California Fresh, Rite Aid, Starbucks for their donation of items for the Social!  David Rau of the United Methodist Church assisted with the set-up and logistical strategies for our meeting--much appreciation to David as well!

Remember to thank our community partners for their support of our Club when you patronize their businesses!



Attendees: Jean Dettloff, Judy Connely, Jan Regan, Erika Callero, Chris Hoover, Elaine Ramos Doyle, Sheila Pouraghabagher, Barbara Wilkins, Natalie White, Patrice Iqbal, Blanca Kesner, Kathy Golden, Mei-Ling Liu, Margarite Gowgani, Val Barboza (recording secretary)


Chris Hoover called the meeting to order at 1;20 PM and welcomed all attendees. Chris then called on Judy Connely to give the report of the Nominations Committee. Judy Connely presented the slate of officers from the Nominating Committee for 2017-2018. It was moved, seconded and passed to accept the slate as presented.

   Three members-at-large were elected from the floor as follows: Cari Moore, Erika Callero and Linda Soenen. They were nominated by Jan Regan, Patrice Iqbal and Jean Dettloff respectively, then individually seconded and passed.  Three members of the nominating committee will continue to serve next year. They are Alice Loh, Lois Butler,and Margarite Gowgani. Two members were elected from the floor: Natalie White and Judy Connely.They were nominated by Patrice Iqbal and Elaine Ramos Doye respectively.Nomnations were then seconded and passed.

Chris Hoover closed the Election portion of the meeting by thanking the nominees, the Nominations’ Committee for the new Board and the attendees for participating in the Election.

The social portion of the meeting then proceeded with an ice cream social. Mei-Ling Liu volunteered to send a letter of thanks to our community business partners for their generous donations. Val will send individual Club thank-you notes. Val also reminded attendees that the amended By-laws are on our Club website. She is also working on a document that itemizes the changes and will post those to the website mid-May. The Club vote will take place at the June picnic social at Cheng Park on June 24, 2017.

Meeting adjourned at 3PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Val Barboza

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2017 Scholarship awardee, Lisa Lemos Jensen

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