2018 January Newsletter

President’s Message

Have you made your new year’s resolutions?! You know-- the ones we all make:

  • Try to eat a healthier diet and exercise more
  • Try a new activity at the gym
  • Work on personal and professional goals including attending the Strengthsfinder workshop (more on that in this newsletter)
  • Be mindful, take time to meditate and remind yourself of all for which you are grateful.

As we begin our final 6 months as your Co-Presidents, we are both thankful for your participation in our Club especially in our events! The SLO Country Club’s festive decorations for our Holiday Party set the tone for our evening and was coordinated with Cal Poly alum Brooke Campbell! The In Time Trio boosted our spirits with their self- described “classy, sassy and cool” holiday music while dinner was served, and the Silent Auction raised $554.00 for the ASI Children’s Center scholarship!


Please join me in thanking the following for their generous donations to the ASI Children’s Center Scholarship Silent Auction: Tolo Cellars (Kymberly Fazzio), SLO Trader Joe’s, Brian & Blanca Kesner, Talley wines (Sasha Mobley & Val Barboza), Linda & Luc Soenen, Chris & Bob Hoover, Wild Horse wines (Elaine Ramos Doyle), Patrice Iqbal, Cari Moore, Joan Kennedy, and Wearable Art (Pat Hermenegildo). Erika Callero and Natalie White volunteered with pre-event planning, silent auction set-up and coordination! Elaine Ramos Doyle and Joan Kennedy handled all aspects of the Silent Auction checkout!


Your Club Directory lists the upcoming events as does our Club website -  http://womensclub.calpoly.edu . We hope you will join us as we jump into 2018 and bring a friend! Remember, if you would like to be part of the event planning, we need volunteers!

This year we will invite Cal Poly Alumni to join us for our events and to become members. Alumni Outreach Assistant VP Ellen Cohune will be speaking at our January 9, 2018 Board meeting to begin the process. Board meetings are open to all-- please join us at the new Alumni facility downtown at 4:30PM for the next meeting.




Chris Hoover & Val Barboza

CPWC Co-Presidents 2017-2018


News and Announcements

In Memoriam

The Cal Poly Women’s Club was saddened to learn of the death of long time member, Ines Bongio.  Ines passed away on November 30, 2017 at the age of 92.  A donation in her honor was made by the general membership to the CPWC Scholarship Fund.


In Celebration

Our warmest congratulations to Carol Judd on her the 101st birthday! The Birthday Party in early December 2017 was filled with happiness and lovely friendship"! We also warmly wish LaVerne Bucy, another one of our very own Centenarians, a very Happy and Healthy 101st Birthday in November 2017.


Members of Ambassador Section would love to visit members, especially those in need of help physically or socially; please call or write to Alice Loh or Tracy Kinderknecht.


Newsletter Availability

The newsletter, “The Flyer”, is available electronically.  Please email Elaine Ramos Doyle at emrdmom@gmail.com if you would prefer to receive your newsletter via email. This will help the club save money and help save the environment! Thank you!



The Cal Poly Women’s Club is hosting Bay area author and Certified Life Coach Sasha Mobley to offer the Gallup Strengthsfinder Workshop on Saturday, January 27, 2018 (10AM- noon). Attendees will receive a Strengthsfinder 2.0 access code before the class in order to complete the assessment. Then during the Workshop, participants will use the resulting Signature Themes report and Action Planning guide to develop an approach to enhancing their natural talents into Strengths. Class size is limited to 25 with a discounted fee of $50. The workshop will be held on campus in Bldg. 11-104.

If you are interested in attending this workshop, contact Club Co-President Val Barboza at vbarboza@calpoly.edu or call her at805.264.5901.

The CPWC site also has information on this workshop and other Club events: http://womensclub.calpoly.edu .To contact Sasha, check her website at: http://sashamobley.com or email her at sashamobley@gmail.com .


2017-18 Scholarship Recipient

The Club awarded two $1,000 scholarships for 2017-18. Our first recipient, Ellis Fryer was featured in the November/December newsletter.  Our second recipient is Annie Campbell. Annie is a Political Science major. Annie stated that it was an honor to be a recipient of the Cal Poly Women’s Club scholarship. This will give her more time to focus on her studies, women’s rights and student activities. She is active in the Cal Poly’s Young Democrats, a strong supporter of women’s rights and Planned Parenthood. One future goal is to serve as an Intern in Washington D.C. Needless to say, this has been a very busy year for political activities and women’s issues; Annie is very active in both. She thanks the Cal Poly Women’s Club for granting her this scholarship.


Section News for January



Wednesday, January 10th at 5:00 pm potluck at the home of Tracy Kinderknecht, 2654 I St. in Santa Margarita.

Chairperson:  Alice Loh             543-9055

                                                                             Tracy Kinderknecht  756-5803



Members will be contacted.

Chairperson: Lois Butler                     772-4020



Saturday, January 20th from 10-noon at the Master Gardener lecture, January Winter Pruning, 2156 Sierra Way, Suite C, SLO. RSVP to anrmgslo@ucanr.edu or 781-5939.

Chairperson: Patrice Iqbal                  547-1993


Monday, January 8th at 11:30 am at SLO Provisions, 1255 Monterey in SLO. RSVP to Jan or Val Barboza 264-5901.

Chairpersons: Judy Connely       543-5919

Jan Regan              543-2978


Wednesday, January 3rd at 10:00 am at Huff home, 7190 Lewis Lane, SLO.


Chairperson: Carol Huff            541-1589


Wednesday, January 10th at 5:00 pm potluck at the home of Tracy Kinderknecht, 2654 I St. in Santa Margarita.

Chairperson:  Tracy Kinderknecht  756-5803

                                                                               Sandra Cirilo 598-7277


Wednesday (new day), January 24th at 2:00 pm at the Villagio office at 1503 Froom Ranch Way (across the parking lot from Whole Foods and next to Pacific Premier Bank). Members will be contacted.

Chairpersons: Pat Cano              543-6210

 Janis Stansfield   543-7901


Saturday, January 6th at 9:30 am. Walk the Bob Jones Trail in Avila Beach. Meet in the Bob Jones parking lot on Ontario Rd. We’ll stop for coffee at Hula Hut, then return. Longer routes available depending on the group. Rain cancels. Please RSVP to Val.

                                                         Leader: Val Barboza                  264-5901






Linda Soenen (past Club President and quilter extraordinaire) has donated this beautiful 48” by 48” quilt that she pieced and hand-quilted for the Club Scholarship Fund raffle! Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5 for donations to the fund.


Drawing will be held during the

April 7, 2018 at the Election and General Meeting to be held at Woods Humane Society. Donate now to enter your tickets! Contact Linda or Val Barboza or any Board member for tickets or to view the quilt. Make your checks payable to “Cal Poly Women’s Club” with “quilt raffle” in the memo field. Include a phone number so you can be notified!


The quilt will be displayed at Club events and section meetings. All proceeds benefit the Club scholarship fund!

Many thanks to Linda for this exceptional donation!

Related Content



  • Sept. 14,2024 – Fall brunch
  • SOLD OUT: October 29, 2024 –Monday Club tour & tea
  • December 4, 2024 – Holiday party, Madonna Inn
  • February 2024 – CP women's basketball game
  • April 21, 2025 – General meeting & election, Milestone Tavern
  • May 3, 2025 – May luncheon, Madonna Inn
  • June 7, 2025 – June Gathering, Leaning Pine Arboretum





2017 Scholarship awardee, Lisa Lemos Jensen

More on Spotlight

Giving & Membership

Donations & Membership checks to CPWC,Box 1284,San Luis Obispo, Ca 93406

Thank you for your gift!

Facebook Connections

Link to the Cal Poly Women's Club Professional Section

Professional Section