2017 October Newsletter


                                             November/December 2017


Cal Poly Womens Club


President’s Message

Where did the time go?! It seems like we were just enjoying brunch together in September with Mrs. Armstrong and her staff, but the calendar tells us that Thanksgiving is less than a month away! And so begins the holiday festivities including our Club Holiday Party and Silent

Auction at the SLO Country Club on December 7, 2017. Send in your RSVP now; the details are included in this newsletter!


Also in this newsletter, we’ve included the details about the “Members Only” Professional- Personal Development Workshop on January 27, 2018. Life Coach and author Sasha Mobley has discounted this workshop ($50 for members usually $150). Send your registration fee to make sure you are included.


The Board of Directors meets November 1, 2017 at the Union Bank Community Room (located

995 Higuera, SLO) at 4:30 pm. Members are welcome, and the agenda will be posted on our

website the week before the meeting. There’s plenty of parking from the Osos St. side where you’ll find the community room entrance. We have several member oriented items and events under discussion, so join us!


Lastly, Treasurer Elaine Ramos Doyle has the new directories that list all the upcoming Club events, dates and member info. Once she receives your membership dues, she will send you the directory.



Chris Hoover & Val Barboza

CPWC Co-Presidents 2017-2018


News and Announcements

1. In Memoriam

Our most sincere sympathies are being sent to long time member Elaine Van De Vanter and her family on the death of her husband, Gordon. Gordon passed away on September 29,

2017 at the age of 96. Gordon was a retired faculty member from the Crop Science Dept.


2. Newsletter Availability

The newsletter, “The Flyer”, is available electronically. Please email Elaine Ramos Doyle at

emrdmom@gmail.com if you would prefer to receive your newsletter via email. This will save

Club resources as well as help the environment!



3. Reminder - Membership Dues

Don’t forget to pay your membership dues! You can send your $25 dues to Treasurer Elaine Ramos Doyle, 2381 Claranita Ave., Los Osos, CA 93402. Dues should be paid by the end of December in order to receive a Directory and monthly newsletters. Thank you to all who have paid!


4. Membership Directory Additions and Corrections



New Members

BROWN, Carla (Joe)                                       (510) 862-3546

146 Tally Ho Road                                             Facilities Plan - Capital Proj

Arroyo Grande, CA 93420                             cbrow133@calpoly.edu


RAMOS, Yvonne (Bob Smidt)                     528-5140                 cell 441-2635

610 Woodland Drive                                       Financial Aid/Statistics

Los Osos, CA 93402                                          yramos@calpoly.edu


Changes and Corrections:




McMILLAN, Heather                                       440-3000




5. 2017-18 Scholarship Recipient


The Club awarded two $1,000 scholarships

for 2017-18. Our first recipient is Ellis Fryer and she is an Architectural Engineering major. When she was a student at Morro Bay High School, she started a club called the Society of Women Engineers. Her current focus is sustainable buildings. Her long-term plans are to work overseas and share her knowledge of sustainable living. Ellis is very grateful for this scholarship and sends special thanks

to the Cal Poly Women's Club.




We will feature our second recipient Annie

Campbell in the next newsletter.










DATE:                                    Saturday, January 27, 2018 @ 10AM-noon


LOCATION:                         Cal Poly campus Bldg.11 (Ag Sci) - room 104 (cattycorner from the



COST:                                    $50 for members; non-members $75


RSVP:                                    Send a check made out to “Alexandra Mobley” to: Val Barboza, 1756 Cordova Dr., SLO 93405


Using the Gallup Strength Finders assessment, participants will learn how to use and develop their strengths for results that may have seemed impossible to attain. Our trainer Sasha Mobley, a certified Gallup and Life Coach, will discuss how we limit ourselves to second rate experiences because we buy into someone else’s success model.


Attendees will receive a Strength Finders 2.0 access code before the class in order to complete the assessment. Then during the Workshop, participants will use the resulting Signature Themes report and Action Planning guide to develop an approach to their natural talents.


If you have questions, email Sasha (sashamobley@gmail.com) or visit her website:




Section News for November & December



There will be no meeting in November or December. See you at the Holiday Party!

Chairpersons: Alice Loh                                 543-9055

Tracy Kinderknecht 756-5803



Members will be contacted.








Chairperson: Lois Butler                                772-4020


Saturday, November 18th at 10 am at the UC Master Gardeners, 2156 Sierra Way, Suite C, SLO. Please let Patrice know if you can attend or need a ride. Also, Patrice’s garden was featured in The Tribune newspaper on Aug. 31st: www.sanluisobispo.com/living/home-

garden/article170442187.html . Check it out!



No meeting in December. See you at the Holiday Party!

Chairperson: Patrice Iqbal                            547-1993




Monday, November 13 at 11:30 am at The Custom House, 404 Front St., Avila Beach. If you

would like to join the group for lunch, please call Jan.



No meeting in December. See you at the Holiday Party!

Chairpersons: Judy Connely                        543-5919

Jan Regan                        543-2978


Monday, November 6th at 10 am at Carol Huff’s home, 7190 Lewis Lane, SLO. Please email

Carol if you would like to attend.



No meeting in December. See you at the Holiday Party!

Chairperson: Carol Huff                                 541-1589 c.huff1@icloud.com


No meeting in November or December. See you at the Holiday Party!

Chairpersons: Tracy Kinderknecht 756-5803

Sandra Cirilo                       srcirilo@gmail.com


No meeting in November or December. See you at the Holiday Party!

Chairpersons: Pat Cano                                 543-6210

Janis Stansfield                 543-7901


The Pismo Preserve walk/hike is being rescheduled for Sunday, November 12 at 10 am. Shuttle pick-up at Pismo Beach City Hall (760 Mattie Rd.). RSVP to Val by November 7th.



No meeting in December. See you at the Holiday Party!

Chairperson: Val Barboza                              264-5901





CPWC Holiday Dinner

SLO Country Club- 255 Country Club Drive, SLO                                  Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017

No-Host Social Hour …. 6:00 p.m.                                                     Dinner …. 7:00 p.m.



SLO Roasted Pork Loin

w/ artichoke & mushroom bread pudding, market vegetables, apple rosemary cream sauce


Grilled Salmon

w/ rice pilaf & market vegetables, Meyer lemon vin blanc sauce


Eggplant Parmesan

Layers of crisp eggplant, house-made tomato sauce & four cheese blend



Entrees accompanied by:

Butterleaf salad, Dinner rolls, Coffee, Tea & Lemon Cake from Cakes by Judy


Cash Bar in the Dining Room


Golf transport to Club House available



In addition to our fabulous holiday dinner, we will be having a Silent Auction during the Social Hour. Our Members-at-Large have already been planning for a variety of items to tempt you. However, if you would like to contribute a special item(s), please contact either Cari Moore at cmoore36@calpoly.edu, Erika Callero at joeerikacallero@hotmail.com, or Linda Soenen at lmsoenen@gmail.com to let them know about items you wish to donate. We look forward to having fun and raising funds for our ASI Children’s Center scholarship program!


--------------------- ------------ ----------- ----------- -----------------------

Deadline for reservations is November 22, 2017. Make checks payable to CPWC and send to Chris Hoover, 1144 Buchon St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401.

Name:                                                                                                  Entrée Choice:


closed:                           @$40/per person                  



Related Content



  • Sept. 14,2024 – Fall brunch
  • SOLD OUT: October 29, 2024 –Monday Club tour & tea
  • December 4, 2024 – Holiday party, Madonna Inn
  • February 2024 – CP women's basketball game
  • April 21, 2025 – General meeting & election, Milestone Tavern
  • May 3, 2025 – May luncheon, Madonna Inn
  • June 7, 2025 – June Gathering, Leaning Pine Arboretum





2017 Scholarship awardee, Lisa Lemos Jensen

More on Spotlight

Giving & Membership

Donations & Membership checks to CPWC,Box 1284,San Luis Obispo, Ca 93406

Thank you for your gift!

Facebook Connections

Link to the Cal Poly Women's Club Professional Section

Professional Section